Leading Safe Behaviours – Leaders Course 9

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Programme dates:

5th to 26th October and beyond…

This is a weekly course with weekly activities, including reading, watching talks and submitting comments online.

Welcome Leader,

This is the online companion for the  Leading Safe Behaviours: Leaders Course.

As your Guide through this improvement process I’ve selected some specific material that I’d like you to read and reflect upon through some simple exercises at the end of each chapter of the books. I’d also like you to watch a few things that I think you will find interesting. Please share your thoughts with me and I’ll let you know what I think too.

This is an honour code process; you do the exercise, comment on it and I believe you. You won’t be tested on anything, all I ask is that you give this your best and complete all modules as best you can.

Reflecting about what you have read, watched or heard will help you to apply this new knowledge to yourself and your workplace. It will also help us to have some great discussions and ultimately improve the workplace.

Thank you for the time and effort you are about to give, I hope you enjoy the ride. See you online!

Bob Cummins – Programme Guide, HPC Way, Leading Safe Behaviours.
