Guide for Guides:
Login to system at
Create a new course
In the admin menu go to ‘Courses > Add New‘
Add course title to the top bar
Click ‘edit’.
IMPORTANT: what you enter here will be the Course Code eg CEM001.
Add course description to the main edit box ( )
Layout Settings:
Ignore “Layout Settings’ Panel
Add a summary description of the course (this displays on the ‘My Courses’ page.
Course Video:
Ignore ‘Course Video’
Course Lessons:
Will come back to this after the course has been set up and published
Course notifications
Ignore ‘Course notifications’
In sidebar panel (from bottom up):
Dynamic Widgets:
Ignore ‘Dynamic Widgets’
Featured image:
Click ‘Set featured image’ to upload the logo of your client (this will appear on the ‘My Courses’ page with the excerpt summary from above)
Course Management:
Will come back o this after course has been pubished and lessons set up
Feautured course:
Ignore ‘Feautured course’
Course prerequisite:
Ignore ‘Course prerequisite’ unless you require a user to complete another course before starting
Course Modules:
Select the modules (weeks) you want to include on the course. To add a new module (week) click ‘Add new module’ and enter the name of the new module in the field below. Click the ‘Add new module’ button to complete.
Certificate template:
Click the dropdown and select ‘Sodak certificate’
Select teacher from dropdown menu of users with that role
Course Categories:
Ignore ‘Course Categories’
Click ‘Save draft’. It’s time to add the Lessons.
Scroll back down to the Course Lessons panel. Right click ‘Please add some’ to open this up in a new window
Add New Lesson
In the admin menu go to ‘Lessons > Add New‘
Add the lesson title to the top bar
Add the lesson content to the main editor box, you can include text, images, video etc here.
Ignore exceprt as it’s not used
Ignore discussion
Lesson information:
Ignore lesson length in minutes (unless relevant)
Ignore ‘Lesson complexity (unless relevant)
Ignore video embed code (unless promotion)
Activity Settings:
Will come back to this after lesson is saved or published
Activity Questions:
Will come back to this after lesson is saved or published
In sidebar panel (from bottom up):
Dynamic Widgets:
Ignore ‘Dynamic Widgets’
Featured image:
Ignore ‘Featured image’
Lesson Module:
Select module (eg Week 1 – date)
Lesson preview:
Ignore ‘Lesson Preview’
Lesson Course:
Select the course the lesson should appear under
Lesson Prerequisite:
Select the lesson that must be completed before the user is allowed to access the lesson
Ignore ‘Attributes’
Lesson Tags:
Ignore ‘Lesson tags’
Click ‘Save draft’. It’s time to add the Lesson Activities (clicking ‘Save draft’ activates the lesson activity fields)
Add Lesson Activity
Still on the Course page, scroll back down to the ‘Activity settings’ panel
Activity Settings:
Pass required to complete lesson: leave as default
Number of questions to show: leave as default
Randomise question order: leave as default
Grade activity automtaically: leave as default
Allow user to reake activity: check the checkbox
Activity Questions
Note: Questions are reusable with each new question being added to the question bank.
To add a new question:
Question: Add the activity questions
Question description: Add a desci[ption for the activity quetion (optional)
Question type: Select question type (usually will be ‘Multi-line’
Question grade: leave as default
Question media: ignore if not relevant or already referred to in the lesson content
Right and Wrong answer: Ignore if usng multi-line answers
Answer feedback: Ignore if usng multi-line answers
Click ‘Add Question’ button to add activity to lesson.
To use an existing question:
Click the ‘Existing Questions’ tab
Serach for the question using the filters or the list.
Check the box next to the question you want to use.
Click ‘Add selected question.’
Go back up to the ‘Publish‘ panel in the top right and click ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ to complete.
Repeat adding lessons and activity questions until the course content is uploaded.
To complete go back to the main course edit page and click ‘publish’
Alternative method
If you want to duplicate and modify an existing courses go to ‘Courses> All Courses’, hover over the title of the course you want to duplicate and click ‘Dupliate’ or ‘Duplicate with Lessons’
When a user submits an actvity (by pressing te ‘Complete Activity’ button, an email is triggered to the tutor to let them know the activity is awaiting feedback and includes a link.
To access the grading section:
- Go to ‘Sensei > Grading‘ All ungraded activities show in the list – you can use the filters at the top to filter by course if more than one is active.
- Click the ‘grade actvity’ button.
- Click the green tick to allow the user to pass the lesson
- Enter any feedback in the grading notes section.
- When finished, click ‘Grade’ at the bottom left of the screen.
This triggers an email notification to be sent the user with the activity question, their answer and the tutor feedback once the activity has been graded.
View student reports
To export the user feedback for activities per lesson:
- Go to ‘Sensei > Analysis‘
- Click the ‘Lessons’ link and select the lesson you want to export data for.
- Click ‘Export all rows (CSV)’
Expor user data
To export all user profile information collected in the ‘Complete my Profile’ activity:
- Go to ‘Users > Export user data‘
- Click ‘Load’ next to ‘Sodak – user export’ in the stored options section.
- Click ‘Show’ next to Advanced options to select data ranges etc
- Click ‘Run report’ to export